Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 2

After a long day of intense snowboard training I am very surprised to find that when I narrowed my to do list down to only the 3 most important things of the day I was actually able to accomplish them with ease in between runs. I have learned a valuable lesson today... Focusing my energy on 3 very important goals instead of using tons of smaller goals as distractions proved to be a far more productive day even while up on the hill.

Another interesting side not occurred very early this morning... Typically when I am woken up way to early, for example 3:am... My mind starts racing and I can't get back to sleep. This morning the dogs began to bark at some dogs outside howling at 3 and I shot straight up, immediately after realizing what had happened I made an attempt at returning to dreamland knowing that this normally means laying awake until 5 or so. I quickly remembered my habit I am trying to create and grabbed my phone and began to type everything that was in my brain onto the notepad... With all of my racing thoughts there safe for me to review in the morning I was able to rest my mind and fall easily back to sleep. So far I am thrilled with the results and excited for tomorrow.

I have set up my 3 most important things to do tomorrow into the system and I am prepared to take on the challenges of tomorrow which includes a race at Brighton at 8:AM

Thanks for stopping by I can't wait until tomorrows update!

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