Sunday, February 28, 2010

End Of Day 1


I wanted to get this in tonight because I have a very early morning training with my coach. Today was a very very productive first day in the system. From the previous blog you already know that I ordered P90X and read ZTD I also finished cleaning my workspace and filing cabinet in order to start this process. Now I am clutter free and debree / distraction clear. I know it will be very important to keep my workspace in this manner in order to move forward with the goals.

Another interesting thing I started today after reading ZTD was beginning to change a habit. I am going to focus on this habit for 30 days as I have read this is the single most effective way to develop a new habit. I have a horrible habit of writing things down that are important on every little scrap paper, notepad, post it, e-mail to myself, etc that I can find. I am going to limit my note taking to 3 areas described below:

1. Notes on iPhone. This will be simple because it is always with me even when snowboarding.

2. A pad in my Truck set on the passenger seat so I can quickly jot things down. 1 Pad only until it's gone.

3. A master purge list in Google docs where I can take my iPhone notes and my truck pad notes and purge them to one master list.

I will also be taking everything down on the truck pad or iPhone that comes into my head or is important phone numbers dates to do's etc. Everything will be taken out of my head and on to paper. This sounds a lot easier than it actually will be for me. So day 1 of 30 Brain to Paper To Master List habit here we go!

I feel I got a lot accomplished today toward my goals so here is the list for tomorrow.

1. Wake up ready for the day
2. Train with My Coach
3. Complete items on my "Main Items To Do List" or MIT at lunch
4. Come home and purge truck and phone pad to main list
5. Create Tuesdays "MIT" list (the 3 most important things I need to get done on Tuesday
6. Post blog about results of Day 2.

I have made the jump now I just need to work on sticking with it.

Thanks for keeping me honest,

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