Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 7

So I made it a week!

Today I went shopping and got a few things I needed for P90X as well as some food that does not excite me to start eating tomorrow. Took my fit test and it seems I am in good enough shape to start P90X bright and early (10ish) in the morning after a healthy breakfast. Can wait!

I am really getting into the habit of writing everything down in a single place and it has helped my efficency... I still catch myself trying to remember some things I know will fade away but like I said this habit is going to take 30 days so I have a ways to go yet.

I am excited looking back on the week that I have stuck with it, made some solid goals and moved toward them. It is even more exciting that Rikki is supporting me and even going to give P90X a try to help motivate me.

First week of my life change is over. I look forward to the next.


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