Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 4

For those of you who are surprised, I am still here. Day 4 was a good day, I stayed focussed and got everything out of my head and on to paper as planned. I took care of the big 3 and I spent most of the day deep in thought. It's not normal for me to not be able to pull the plug and head to the mountain if I feel like it. My safe zone has been taken away.

Today I have decided to throw another element into this awkward plan fueled by the fact of my "out of control" feeling brought on by the mandatory use of a cane. For the next 30 days I will not only work on changing the habit of getting everything out of my head and on to paper I will also do 1 thing each day out of my comfort zone and report the results here.

I can feel change happening. I am excited but I know there is a long road ahead.

Thanks for stopping by,

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