Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 10

I missed posting last night because I am too excited to get back on snow. Here is an overall review of the things I am working on and what direction I think they are going in.

1. Put myself out of my comfort zone everyday: NEED SERIOUS IMPROVEMENT IN THIS DEPARTMENT

2. Get everything out of my head and on to paper in the same place and batch it every night: This is probably my strong point of this whole experiment and it is definitely making a difference.

3. My health: P90X is tough it kicks my ass but i'm sticking with it and I am eating like a champ. I really hope this pays off.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 9

My body is sore. It feels good and I can tell changes are happening. Just cutting the junk out of my diet alone is making me feel a lot better. Today is Day 3 of P90X and I know it will be a struggle getting through it when I am already sore but I just have to push play and keep going.

As far as everything else goes I am getting really good at sticking to my daily plan of 3 and getting things out of my head. I still need to work at it for another 21 days so that it is automatic but I know I will get there. Unfortunately for me and for you I will be posting my before pictures of P90X soon.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 8

Wow P90X what a wake up call. I thought I was in shape but I have been proven wrong. Today I ate really well (Minus the beer) and worked really hard I am really excited to see how far I can get in this program. It worries me that I don't currently know anybody who has made it the full 90 days but I will give it a shot.

On a completely unrelated subject I now have my tickets to Denver for Nationals! Wooooo if only th foot would heal.

Almost wish I could quit P90X and this nutrition plan but I am going to wake up tomorrow and push play and get the food ready to go that I have already made for tomorrow....


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 7

So I made it a week!

Today I went shopping and got a few things I needed for P90X as well as some food that does not excite me to start eating tomorrow. Took my fit test and it seems I am in good enough shape to start P90X bright and early (10ish) in the morning after a healthy breakfast. Can wait!

I am really getting into the habit of writing everything down in a single place and it has helped my efficency... I still catch myself trying to remember some things I know will fade away but like I said this habit is going to take 30 days so I have a ways to go yet.

I am excited looking back on the week that I have stuck with it, made some solid goals and moved toward them. It is even more exciting that Rikki is supporting me and even going to give P90X a try to help motivate me.

First week of my life change is over. I look forward to the next.


Day 6

P90 X arrived! Time to get "extreme" (Scared). So I read the P90X book and the nutrition guide. I have quickly realized that I am going to need to do an overhaul of my pantry but surprised to find what I actually can eat and that the dividing it up into 3 phases will actually make it kind of fun and the food less boring. The first 3 weeks I get to "burn fat" which is going to be the worst part but then I work into high energy foods and finally endurance eating! Yay for high carbs.

Today I am going to go to Walmart and get the few items I need to use with p90x i.e. resistance bands and a pull up bar. Then tonight I will take my fitness test photo's and record my beginning measurements. For my before photo's I will be wearing a string bikini... Ha just wanted to see if you were still reading after this boring post! Anyway stay tuned this should be interesting to watch me "change" or not!


Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 5

I will have to double post today I missed last night.

So I am starting to lose some motivation, not for the project I think my lack of mobility currently is dragging me down. The use of a cane throughout the day is making me tired and angry. So this presents a new challenge as to how do I deal with this and keep on going with the plan?

My goal here is to push through. I have continued to form the habit of writing things in a single place and have confirmation that P90X has shipped. I still have not followed through on the trying to do something uncomfortable but I plan on giving it a solid shot today.

Time to regroup, refocus, and get the motor running again.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 4

For those of you who are surprised, I am still here. Day 4 was a good day, I stayed focussed and got everything out of my head and on to paper as planned. I took care of the big 3 and I spent most of the day deep in thought. It's not normal for me to not be able to pull the plug and head to the mountain if I feel like it. My safe zone has been taken away.

Today I have decided to throw another element into this awkward plan fueled by the fact of my "out of control" feeling brought on by the mandatory use of a cane. For the next 30 days I will not only work on changing the habit of getting everything out of my head and on to paper I will also do 1 thing each day out of my comfort zone and report the results here.

I can feel change happening. I am excited but I know there is a long road ahead.

Thanks for stopping by,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 3...

Day 3 was a learning day... I learned that everything does not always go perfect and there are times when you can't even get 3 things on your list done. In fact I achieved nothing more than a fractured bone in the foot. Today life took a swing at me and had a direct hit but I figure the best thing I can do is start swinging back tomorrow!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 2

After a long day of intense snowboard training I am very surprised to find that when I narrowed my to do list down to only the 3 most important things of the day I was actually able to accomplish them with ease in between runs. I have learned a valuable lesson today... Focusing my energy on 3 very important goals instead of using tons of smaller goals as distractions proved to be a far more productive day even while up on the hill.

Another interesting side not occurred very early this morning... Typically when I am woken up way to early, for example 3:am... My mind starts racing and I can't get back to sleep. This morning the dogs began to bark at some dogs outside howling at 3 and I shot straight up, immediately after realizing what had happened I made an attempt at returning to dreamland knowing that this normally means laying awake until 5 or so. I quickly remembered my habit I am trying to create and grabbed my phone and began to type everything that was in my brain onto the notepad... With all of my racing thoughts there safe for me to review in the morning I was able to rest my mind and fall easily back to sleep. So far I am thrilled with the results and excited for tomorrow.

I have set up my 3 most important things to do tomorrow into the system and I am prepared to take on the challenges of tomorrow which includes a race at Brighton at 8:AM

Thanks for stopping by I can't wait until tomorrows update!