Sunday, February 28, 2010

End Of Day 1


I wanted to get this in tonight because I have a very early morning training with my coach. Today was a very very productive first day in the system. From the previous blog you already know that I ordered P90X and read ZTD I also finished cleaning my workspace and filing cabinet in order to start this process. Now I am clutter free and debree / distraction clear. I know it will be very important to keep my workspace in this manner in order to move forward with the goals.

Another interesting thing I started today after reading ZTD was beginning to change a habit. I am going to focus on this habit for 30 days as I have read this is the single most effective way to develop a new habit. I have a horrible habit of writing things down that are important on every little scrap paper, notepad, post it, e-mail to myself, etc that I can find. I am going to limit my note taking to 3 areas described below:

1. Notes on iPhone. This will be simple because it is always with me even when snowboarding.

2. A pad in my Truck set on the passenger seat so I can quickly jot things down. 1 Pad only until it's gone.

3. A master purge list in Google docs where I can take my iPhone notes and my truck pad notes and purge them to one master list.

I will also be taking everything down on the truck pad or iPhone that comes into my head or is important phone numbers dates to do's etc. Everything will be taken out of my head and on to paper. This sounds a lot easier than it actually will be for me. So day 1 of 30 Brain to Paper To Master List habit here we go!

I feel I got a lot accomplished today toward my goals so here is the list for tomorrow.

1. Wake up ready for the day
2. Train with My Coach
3. Complete items on my "Main Items To Do List" or MIT at lunch
4. Come home and purge truck and phone pad to main list
5. Create Tuesdays "MIT" list (the 3 most important things I need to get done on Tuesday
6. Post blog about results of Day 2.

I have made the jump now I just need to work on sticking with it.

Thanks for keeping me honest,

The Life Change Experiment

I have recently done some soul searching and found that while I love my life very much it is in fact somewhat of a train wreck and lacks ultimate direction. In an attempt to get my life on track and headed into the right direction I have decided to attempt to make several dramatic life changes that will ultimately decide my fate!

Currently I am living in a state of organized chaos! I will be using this blog daily as a way to document my transformation and results good or bad. It all comes out here.

My goals are as follows:

1. Fitness: I would like adopt a fitness and nutrition program that is not just on vacation in Dave Land but a permanent resident. I would like to increase athleticism and endurance while maintaining a high energy low fat "diet"

2. Stress Levels: I recognize that some stress levels are actually good but as I type this I sit starring at a cluttered desk, a stack of bills, and a to do list that is screaming at me to stop this silly experiment and start checking things off. I mean come on it's Sunday the day of getting stuff done. My areas of stress that need help are as follows:

2a. Financial: My goal here is to get my financial situation under control that is to reduce my debt, live within my means, and plan for the future. At a deeper stage in this goal I would like to focus fire on "Bad Debt" i.e. credit cards and completely rid myself of this dire evil.

2b. Organization: I will be attempting to adopt systems that simplify my to do list and focus on my main goals. I will also be adopting systems that allow my work flow to be simplified in a manageable order for increased productivity in less time. My "inboxes" (Voicemail, e-mail, Desk) will remain free of clutter and cleaned out managed in a timely fashion. I will be ridding myself of the "I will do it later" phrase.

As a result of my goals I hope that in one years time I will be in the best phisical shape of my life with more energy and have seriously reduced the negative stresses in my life with increased productivity and time for the important things. I will strive to become a permanent fixture in both the Real Estate and Snowboarding world while being more capable of sharing my life and taking care of my family.

So here we go DAY 1 Feb 28 2010:

Today I picked 3 tasks to put me on a starting path. They may seem very simple but this is the start.

1. Order p90x and commit to a 90 day program without missing a single day.
2. Read the book ZTD (Zen To Done)to begin my organization transformation
3. Clean off and simplify my home workspace.

so far as of this blog I have completed 2 of these tasks and I will be checking in tomorrow to update. Once I get p90x I will take measurements and before photo's to document its success or failure as well.

I hope this will prove to be entertaining for you and life changing for me.
